The Whole Pet Difference
We know you wouldn't want anything less than the best for your best friend. That's why we offer only the best nutritional pet food available. If you're looking for the healthiest dog food or a cat food for indoor cats, we can help.
The Foods We Offer Contain:
Named Animal Proteins: Chicken, Beef, Lamb, etc. are the first named ingredients. We also pay attention to where this is sourced.
Named Animal Protein Meal: "Meal" is the dry form of the protein source. It contains only about 10% moisture and 65% protein. This is used to boost the protein level in pet food.
Named Fat: A named fat source is superior to generic.
Whole Grains: Fresh and unprocessed grains contain more nutrition and vitamins and are gentler on your pet's digestion. Our foods DO NOT contain corn, wheat, or soy which provide little nutritional value for dogs/cats and are overwhelmingly GMO.
Vegetables and Fruits: A variety of vegetables and fruits, which add valuable nutrition - they appear high up on the ingredients list in our foods.
Lactobacillus, Acidophilus (etc): Important probiotics that aid in digestion by helping to keep your pet's stomach and intestinal flora in balance.
Many Other Foods Contain:
(Check Your Labels)
Generic Protein Source: Avoid protein sources labeled as "meat" or "meat meal" or "poultry meal".
Meat & Poultry By-Products: Avoid cheap protein sources that are of inconsistent quality and poor nutritional value.
Animal Fat: This generic fat can include any kind of animal fat including 4D animals (dead, diseased, dying, or disabled), road kill, euthanized pets, restaurant and supermarket refuse, and even used grease.
Corn Gluten Meal: Avoid this cheap by-product of human food processing. It contains some protein but is mostly used to bind food together. It is hard to digest and a common cause of skin issues in pets.
BHA: Avoid chemical preservatives. It is banned in human food used in many countries. Associated with dry/itchy skin and liver disease.
Propylene Glycol: Used in anti-freeze, hydraulics, and as a humectant in semi-moist kibble to keep them from drying out. Animals love it because it tastes sweet, but it is toxic.